The Best Homeschool 
Writing Program for Grades 1-6

Buyer’s Guide


Online Membership

Online Membership

Access to all six years of writing instruction

DVD/Workbook Kits

DVD/Workbook Kits

One year of writing instruction

Mix It Up

Mix It Up

Combine an online membership with student workbooks


Online Membership


cancel any time

DVD/Workbook Kits

89.99 includes teachers guide with six DVDs and one student workbook.

Extra student workbook 19.99

Mix It Up

Online membership plus the cost of a student workbook per student

Student workbooks 19.99 each


Online Membership

All six years of worksheets included

DVD/Workbook Kits

Worksheets are provided for one student for one year

Mix It Up

Worksheets are provided for one student for one year

Although you do have access to all worksheets online


Online Membership

Automatically receive weekly updates and writing tips.

Web membership will always have the most current addition of the videos and worksheets.

DVD/Workbook Kits

Sign up for weekly updates and writing tips

Mix It Up

Automatically recieve weekly updates and writing tips

Extra Benefits

Online Membership

Automatic access to

Writing Warm-Up Gallery and extra printable resources

DVD/Workbook Kits

Sign-up to access

Writing Warm-Up Gallery and extra printable resources

Mix It Up

Automatic access to

Writing Warm-Up Gallery and extra printable resources


Online Membership

Great value if you have children in both the paragraph and essay writing level, your membership will serve your whole family for one low price.

DVD/Workbook Kits

Excellent choice if you do not have reliable internet.

Student workbook is in color.

You may reuse or resell the DVD kits.

Mix It Up

Saves your ink and time printing the worksheets.
Student workbook is in color.


Online Membership

Copyright Privileges

Requires good internet connection

Hint: If you can stream videos without a problem, you will be able to have an enjoyable web membership experience.

See: Online Printing Cost

DVD/Workbook Kits

Copyright Privileges

Student workbooks are consumable. You will need to reorder for future use.

See: Online Printing Cost

Mix It Up

Copyright Privileges

See: Online Printing Cost

*Online Printing Cost

Personal printers vary in printing cost depending on your machine. For an accurate cost comparison, you will need to calculate the cost per page for your printer.

Each flight (one year of instruction) has approximately 200 pages.

Please note: The first lesson of the unit/writing project has about ten pages to print. The remaining lessons in the unit have only one-two pages to print.

Helpful Hint: Print only the student worksheets. Use another device such as a tablet/pad or your cell phone to access the “teacher scripted lesson” rather than printing. This will reduce printing by 32 pages.

Which skill and flight level do I choose? Click: HERE