Here to Help Learning Speakers

Beth Mora, aka “Mrs. Mora”
Meet Beth Mora, wife to one, mother to eight, nana to six and counting, and a Homeschool Purple Heart Recipient for multiple moments when she thought she wasn’t making a difference in her children’s lives. Beth is indebted and salutes the homeschooling vets in her life that carried her through and desires to return the blessing. This former city girl, wannabe homesteader, basset hound co-owner, who drinks way too much coffee, will bring you to tears one moment and laughter the next. Her New York moxie communicates with enthusiasm— you can do it! And her zeal for your family’s success will fill your heart and charge you up to face the next year of homeschooling with confidence and passion. Beth pulls from her past experiences as a Certified Rehabilitation RN, homeschool mom, co-op leader, co-op teacher, Marriage Ministry Director, Women’s Ministry Programer, Children’s Ministry Leader, Drama Team Member, creator, and author of Here to Help Learning’s Writing Program for grades 1-6. She is affectionately known as “Mrs. Mora”, the on-camera teacher for Here to Help Learning’s filmed instruction, where she lives out her dream of becoming Mrs. Frizzle from the Magic School Bus. She loves blogging at Home to Home, HTHL’s blog for moms. She is a staff writer for The Old Schoolhouse magazine and The Homeschool Minute. Everything she does, whether laughable or heart-gripping, is done to honor One, without apology. God’s grace is the salve that has healed her own life, and God’s grace is what she offers liberally to others.
Forrest Mora
As a husband, dad of eight children, “Pop” of six and counting, business owner, landscape contractor, and homeschool dad. Forrest gets down to the nuts and bolts with men by encouraging them to embrace their role as servant leaders of their homes. Forthright and humorous, he shares God’s word with clarity and practicality. For the last 25 years, he has served in leadership roles in his church’s marriage, men’s, and financial ministries. His heart is to encourage Christian men to serve the Lord by living with no regrets, providing leadership to their families, and finding true fulfillment in their marriages, families, and personal lives.

Forrest & Beth Mora
As the founders and past directors of their church’s marriage ministry, they have served their local community through speaking, leading retreats and community events, teaching marriage classes, and establishing a marriage mentoring program. They are honest and open about their day-to-day marriage ups and downs. They are real, practical, and not afraid to laugh at themselves. Forrest and Beth share how their God-given roles create a God-honoring team to serve each other, their children, the church, and the community. The Moras rely on a firm Biblical foundation and are passionate about seeing Christian marriages become a living witness of God’s love to serve the world.
Beth's Speaking Topics

Dream Bigger
Dream Bigger Question: What is the end goal of Christian home education? Answer: To love God more and serve more. Parents, your elementary-aged child needs an education in dreaming big. “But wait!” the parent says, “He can’t even complete his regular assignments!” Dreaming big can turn your ho-hum learner into an active one. We all need purpose behind even the simplest of tasks. As home-educating families, we can get buried in a pile of book learning and forget what education is really for— to serve others. Please bring your wiggly child, tween, and teen to this inspiring talk that might change your city, state, country, or even the world. Disclaimer: There may be no stopping your child!
“My best convention take away was from Keynote Speaker Beth Mora: Homeschool parents have purpose. We are called. We go to our knees dependent on our Father, and we walk strong with Him, We don’t bail when the need is great. We dream bigger.” -Robin N.

Drink Deeply
Parched soul, chapped heart, and a mind filled with dust bunnies? You sound thirsty. Come and drink deeply. Rejuvenate with Beth Mora, author, speaker, and retired homeschool mom. There is a well of water with your name on it that bubbles joy no matter where you are in the journey. It’s time to leave your desert behind and come in for the chilled, pure H2O of God’s Word.
“I appreciate the family values you are helping spread and the encouragement you are providing through God’s strength and love.” -Samantha K.

Beauty in the Bloom
Are you worn out from everyone needing another piece of you? Do you feel pushed and pulled in all directions? Are there places in your heart you don’t have time to visit? Women of all ages and stages will discover the joy of blooming! Join Beth Mora, author, speaker, and retired homeschool mom, as she shares the power of open transparency and the sweet life that blooms in Christ from God’s Word.

The Science of Learning and How it Should Change What You Do on Monday
God has hard-wired us to learn, and the science behind His masterful plan will strengthen your resolve to help your child blaze new neural pathways. Get the inside scoop on how the lightbulb of learning goes on and, more importantly, how to increase “ah-ha” moments on Monday. Join Beth Mora, author, blogger, and former Certified Rehabilitation Registered Nurse, in discovering that the new scientific revelations are rooted in God’s words of wisdom. This information is perfect for all types of learners, including gifted and those with special needs.

Treating Writing Allergies
Do you have a student who is allergic to writing? You are not alone! There is an epidemic, especially in the elementary grades. Could we, as educators, have lost sight of the goals of writing in the younger years? Join Beth Mora, 30-year homeschool veteran and the creator/author of Here to Help Learning‘s Writing Program, as she shares effective teaching strategies that will unlock your child’s ability to write. She’ll also unpack the latest research in elementary school writing education. You won’t leave empty-handed because you’ll walk away with ten teaching techniques you can immediately implement and see results!
“Thank you so much for the helpful information! My goodness, this helped me understand some of the roadblocks that might be causing some of the writing struggle. It had a huge impact on me. Thanks again, Beth. I am inspired by what you are doing with your life – a life well spent!” -Maryanne K.
“My daughter use to cry when she had to write. I’m so excited to say that she has finished and published her book! It took her about a year and a half but we really wanted her to be able to put her whole heart into it. She absolutely loved the process and learned sooooo much along the way. Since publishing her book she has started a blog for young writers and has had the opportunity to speak to multiple different elementary and junior high classes about what it takes to write your own book!” -Ashley T.

Moving On To The Next Writing Level
If “old school” is reading, writing, and arithmetic, then why is learning to write or the skill of composition left out for “someday” when your student is older? Did you know your child begins their journey as a writer in pre-school? Each growth and development milestone is essential, and there are practical ways you, as a parent, can help your child move to the next writing level. Beth Mora, homeschool mom, co-op teacher, and author of Here to Help Learning’s Writing Program, will identify growth and development benchmarks and present sensible teaching tips for each writing level. Learn how to create a culture for writing in your home.

Becoming Your Child’s Favorite Editor? Yes, It’s Possible
Yes, It’s Possible. However, the struggle is real. Correcting your child’s writing can be as daunting as a creepy cave and delightful as a root canal. How do you correct your child’s writing without crushing his spirit or, just as important, without losing your mind? Are you a grammar police or don’t know a subject from a predicate? Beth Mora, creator of Here to Help Learning’s Writing Program, will introduce you to the O.C.H.A. Method of Correcting and show you how to apply it to your child’s writing, whether a first grader or a high schooler. Become your child’s favorite editor? Yes, it’s possible!
“I want to thank you personally for this program. I literally almost quit homeschooling because of our struggles with teaching writing. You saved our homeschool! My kids now not only write better but they enjoy doing it, and it is really showing in their work.” -Nancy M.

The Ten Habits of Highly Effective Writers
What’s your kiddo’s auto-pilot response to assigned writing projects? Is it, “I got this mom”? No? Then join Beth Mora, creator of the Here to Help Learning Writing Program, for a step-by-step plan to build great writing habits in your child, one habit at a time. Beth will present a prudent approach to forming ten great writing habits that will serve your children well and open opportunities for a successful future.
“As a composition professor for the past 15 years, I love your program! The steps of the writing process, emphasis on strong words, and necessity of feedback are concepts I’ve been trying to help adults understand for years, but you have successfully made them accessible and FUN for kids.” Konni J.

Creating an Effective Media Plan for Your Family
Technology is here to stay with a well-known list of positive and negative effects. On the one hand, educational opportunities have increased; on the other hand, children’s brain scans are changing, and not for the better. How do you, as a home educator, use technology responsibly? How do you make online classes work for your family? How do you set screen time limits? No family should be without an effective media use plan that serves the end goals of your family. Beth Mora will guide you through principles that help you establish an individualized, robust media plan for your family. Get your hands on all the positive benefits of technology and leave the negative behind.

The Working Homeschool Mom
Working a job from home or outside your home adds a layer of responsibility to your homeschool journey. It requires additional organization, tenacity, flexibility, and sheer grit. Let’s face it: it’s not easy. How do you know if you are succeeding or need to re-evaluate plans A, B, or C? How do you craft a daily design to meet your child’s educational, social, and emotional needs without losing your sanity or theirs? This workshop is for you if you are presently working another job or plan to work. Learn how you can make working mom and homeschool mom operate harmoniously.
“Mrs. Mora, God used you tonight to remind me that HE is here to help! And HE will be here to help us all the way through our learning – my daughter’s education, and my learning to depend completely on Him.Thank you. You have no idea how much your message blessed me.” Dayla

The Joys of Multi-Level Teaching
Teach babies, toddlers, pre-school, elementary school, tweens, and teens all at once? Yes, of course, it’s God’s design. Multi-level teaching is where one lesson is taught to your entire family while still meeting each child’s individual needs. Multi-level teaching is a practical and effective approach to instruction and requires less time than separate instruction. Younger students benefit from being exposed to more advanced skills, and older students benefit from demonstrating their skills to younger students. It’s a win-win! Learn how to implement this teaching style into your family’s educational plan and create lasting memories.
“Thank YOU! YOU are a blessing in more ways than you could ever realize!” Angie D.

Homeschool Families Blended with Love: Homeschooling in Unique Family Settings
How did your family grow? Did it grow through adoption or foster care? Are you a step-family or parenting your grandchild? Are you a single parent going on this homeschool journey alone? Families come in all shapes and sizes, as do their unique challenges in a homeschool setting. Beth Mora is no stranger to the challenges of a family whose pedigree chart resembles a bush more than a family tree. There are no taboos here, just practical wisdom and support for homeschool families of unusual shapes and sizes on this homeschool journey.
“I want to tell you how much I enjoyed your class. You have a wonderful atmosphere and the way you teach the concepts is a breath of fresh air. Thanks so much”–Kelly C.

The Road to Homeschool Co-op Utopia
Are we there yet? Homeschool Co-op Utopia is a place where community, learning, and great memories live. However, the road to a great co-op experience is with ups and downs or unexpected turns. A well-organized co-op can make all the difference between success and an “I’ll never do that again” road trip. Join Beth Mora, homeschool co-op coach and teacher, as she shares her years of experience and piles on an armload of resources to help you create a thriving homeschool co-op. If you are in a co-op, thinking about starting a co-op, or wondering what life is like in a co-op, then this session is where you will want to take a seat and fasten your seatbelt! We are going to incredible places!

Organizationally Yours
In college, Beth Mora’s peers awarded her “Most Likely to Re-organize the Nursing Unit.” So it’s no surprise that after 25 years of homeschooling, she has a lot of inside information about homeschool organization to offer. Your family is unique and has a unique way of doing life. There’s no one-size-fits-all schedule. Learn the power of habits, routines, and managing personal space that can decrease the swirling chaos of homeschooling life and increase productivity where everyone flourishes. Beth will guide you step by step on how to order your moments so that you can achieve your God-given homeschooling goals.
“Thank you for the inspiring talk. You have such a welcoming spirit as well as lots of wisdom you passed on to us – a great combination!”-Laureen D.

Grow Momma Grow
If you’re not growing, you’re not living. It’s basic biology. It’s not surprising when we look at the family’s “to-do” list; your name and needs are towards the bottom, lost between making dinner and driving Johnny to baseball practice. We moms often neglect that which sustains our growth. How do you preserve and protect this precious balance of family life and doing what helps you grow as a person? It’s time to remove the tension of stagnation and counterbalance with a happier and fuller you. It’s time to create a plan for your growth. Your husband and children will appreciate your new-found lifestyle and thank you with a smile.

Anxiety and Fear: Teaching Your Child to Manage their Emotions
Monsters under the bed, dark nights, and mean dogs are all sources of normal childhood fears. However, a third of our youth experience anxiety regularly, a staggering statistic. What happens when those fears and worries expand and hamper homeschooling, family time, or everyday activities of daily living? Saying, “Stop worrying!” doesn’t help, and neither does “You have nothing to fear.” Effective anti-anxiety control begins with understanding, providing tools, and helping your child understand their God-given brain chemistry. We can’t wave a magic wand and make anxiety disappear in our child’s life. However, there is much we can do to teach our child how to manage their emotions.
“Such a great workshop! It’s the only workshop we have our notes from still posted on our fridge months later!” -Kayla H.

Managing Conflict and Anger in Your Home
Conflict happens. Anger happens. Siblings fight. Mom and Dad don’t see eye to eye. Feelings get hurt. Things are said that shouldn’t be said, and things are done that shouldn’t be done. We each have different points of view on how life should go. Add the personal character flaws of each family member to the mix, and you’ve got a recipe for calamity. Unchecked anger and unresolved conflict can undo the best of homeschool plans. Teaching your child how to manage anger and conflict outweighs any school subject. Beth Mora, author, blogger, and homeschool mom, tackles real-life tensions behind our homeschool doors and offers practical solutions for messy moments.
“We so enjoyed having you and Forrest as speakers at the AFHE Convention. I heard this session was standing room only! What a blessing you’re addressing a topic that will help so many families. You really are Here to Help Learning!”-Nancy M

Need a part time job? Welcome to a new and exciting job opportunity for the fabulous and frugal! Sometimes, real financial barriers squelch opportunities to homeschool. The temptation is for both parents to work outside the home and place their children in public school. Beth Mora, mom of eight kids and wife of one hardworking man, is no stranger to managing a large family. Learn how she whittled their family food budget down to $500.00/month while her family (One husband, who burns a lot of calories as a contractor, six ravenous teenage boys, and two girls) still ate like kings and queens! Her frugal ways saved over $1000/month! Yes, it was work, but embracing a fabulous and frugal lifestyle enabled the Moras to keep on homeschooling! Are you ready to carve out a part-time job in your home by becoming a top-notch home economist? Your employment application is waiting for you at this workshop! This is the perfect job for you!
“Thank you, Beth! My hubby and I stayed up very late the night of the class talking and going through the notes – what a great time it was for us as a couple! Thank you for sharing your years of wisdom with us. My husband is totally on board, and we are going to be saving big!”-Jennifer C.
“Everything from Beth Mora is always amazing. This year she gave a class on being frugal. It was an eye opener. I’ve already implemented several of the ideas she presented.” Tracy B.

Educational Life Hacks for Students with Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, or Dyspraxia
Does your student have one of these “Triple D” neurologically-based learning challenges affecting reading, handwriting, spelling, composition, and math? Or maybe your child must face ADD or ADHD or another brain-based learning challenge. You may have the diagnosis and understand what is happening in your child’s brain, but the question remains: how do I teach my child? Beth Mora will present educational life hacks to help your student thrive in all subject areas.
“We enjoyed your workshop. You really do an incredible job! -Jamie S.

Finding Pieces to the Puzzle: How to develop an educational plan for your student with dyslexia, dysgraphia, ADHD, and other special needs.
Beth Mora brings her background as a case manager and certified rehabilitation registered nurse (C.R.R.N.) to this session. She is a student of her patients and has learned much from the families she has served. In this workshop, Beth will introduce the S.O.A.P. method to help you develop an educational plan for your child with special needs and help you locate that missing puzzle piece. Plan to leave this workshop feeling strengthened and empowered to continue your special needs journey.

Keeping Your “SmartCookie” Challenged
Is your second grader building a fusion reactor in your backyard or calculating rates of speed and velocity? Forrest and Beth Mora’s daughter, SmartCookie #1, received her Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in three short years at 21 years of age and is a state-certified teacher. Their son, SmartCookie #2 and twin to #1, received a 104% in Calculus 2 in his senior year of high school and read C++ programming textbooks for enjoyment. Join Beth Mora as she travels back through time to when their “smartcookies” were in their elementary years. Beth candidly shares her journey home educating, her two academically advanced children. Learn how she kept the wheels of opportunity turning. She will also share the results of an interview with each of her “smartcookies” who are now adults. Learn what worked and what didn’t. If you have a “smartcookie”, you won’t want to miss this unique perspective.

So Smart But He Can’t Find His Shoes
Why can my academically gifted student calculate geometric ratios but can’t find his shoes? It can be baffling, can’t it? One moment, you’re conversing with your gifted student about the latest genetics research, and the next moment, he’s arguing with you that his Superman cape can sustain flight because it has superpowers. Gifted children often experience “asynchronous development” or out-of-sync development. How do you meet the developmental and academic needs of a gifted learner? It is not an easy answer but one that Beth Mora will address in detail from experience with her two academically gifted kids.

Getting Your Ducks in a Row: Preparing for your first year of homeschooling
You have decided to homeschool or are still exploring the possibility. You want to know what it will take to adopt homeschooling as an educational choice. What are the sink-or-swim decisions? What are the quick-start steps to homeschooling? What homeschool resources are valuable for additional research? Join Beth Mora, veteran homeschool mom, for a detailed overview of home education and get your questions answered!
“Thank you so much. It is a blessing having your ministry and homeschool experience encourage us as we start for the first time homeschooling in the fall!” -Rebecca C.

Creating a Bright Future for your Jr. High /High Homeschool Student
Whether you are just starting homeschooling or have been homeschooling for years and are now entering the last leg of your homeschool journey, creating a bright future for your young adult can be a daunting task. There’s much to learn and talk about:
- What’s the difference between independent and interdependent learning, and why does it matter?
- How do you calculate credits for High School graduation?
- How do you prepare a student for college learning and create transcripts?
- What are internships, and why are they a game-changer for your student’s homeschool experience?
- How do you create a positive homeschool experience filled with wonderful memories?
Beth mora, 30-year veteran homeschooler, mom of eight children, and presently homeschooling her Jr. High granddaughter, for an interactive workshop that promises to help your student have a bright future.
Thank you Beth! Your talk was so well organized and helpful. Thank you for putting it in all one space. -S. Long
Forrest and Beth: Marriage

Best Homeschool Curriculum Choice: Your Marriage
Your marriage is a living curriculum that daily instructs your children on marriage. Join Forrest and Beth Mora for a look at the unique challenges of a homeschool marriage. Beth and her husband, Forrest, are the founders and past directors of their church’s marriage ministry, which is still thriving years later. In this session, Forrest and Beth get real and practical. Take the time to invest in the one subject that will impact your child’s future even more than learning Latin or Algebra 2. You will walk away from this workshop just as excited about your marriage as you are unwrapping that new curriculum you just purchased.
“Beth is a dynamic speaker on marriage. She is caring and genuine as she delivers truth in love with humor on the realities of life and marriage. She is truly in her element, following her God-given passion, and using her gifts when speaking on marriage.”-Beth B.
“Beth’s style of teaching is very interactive which keeps the class engaged and actively involved in learning and growing. Her teaching style is charismatic, energetic, and playful creating an atmosphere that makes people want to learn, grow, change, and heal.”
-Tina Engel, MFT Christian Counseling Center
Forrest and Beth: Leadership Topics

Embracing Marketing Shifts in the Homeschool Community
We all know it. We all must face it and embrace it. The new homeschool family is an online family shaped by budget constraints and cyberculture. In this session, we’ll explore new ways of meeting the needs of the next generation of homeschool families. We live in an exciting time filled with more opportunities to serve than ever!
“We learned a lot from you both! You are wonderful teachers!”-Stevie W.

Recruiting and Retaining Volunteers
Volunteers are the backbone of nonprofit organizations. Without volunteers, visions crumble. How do you recruit qualified volunteers? How can a leader strengthen a volunteer to go the distance? How do you inspire your volunteers to serve with passion? Forrest and Beth Mora will share ten fundamental principles to help you form a team that will thrive and create a lasting impact.

Getting the Most out of Every Conflict in Your Organization
No one likes a rise in negative emotions among the ranks, but a true leader sees disagreements and friction as opportunities to grow. It can help you, the parties involved, and your organization or Co-Op walk away with a clearer vision and resolve. As a leader, how can you seize a sticky situation and set the foundation for your team’s forward motion to more effective service? In this workshop, we’ll explore the dynamics of conflict management in a volunteer-led organization and offer concrete solutions to make the most of every conflict.
Forrest’s Workshop for Men

An Equipment Operators Guide to Keeping Your Family Out of the Shop
How do a skid steer loader, a backhoe, a front tine tiller, a small tractor, and a diesel pick-up truck relate to being a husband, father, and servant leader of your family? In this unique talk, Forrest Mora, a landscape contractor and equipment operator, speaks to the men using language that men can relate to. He tells real-life stories from his experiences over the last 30 years to sometimes laugh at himself and other times challenge everyone in the room. His nuts and bolts communication style provides a welcomed outlet for men to gather together and discover that they are not alone in their life challenges.