Wonderfully Small


Wonderfully Small
By Elizabeth Hope Mora

I am wonderfully small in your presence Lord.
Tears break away silently flowing down
Gazing to where my heart is stored
Restored my bridal gown

I am wonderfully small in your presence Lord.
Glimpses of who you are, awaken my soul.
Undiscovered and unexplored
Knowing you, my one goal

I am wonderfully small in your presence Lord.
Your love makes-over my damaged torn heart
Healing sculpted, my essence restored
Unveiled value, priceless art

I am wonderfully small in your presence Lord.
Nestled in your strength, the warmth of embrace
Guarding me with your word, your sword
You are my hiding place

I am wonderfully small in your presence Lord.
I am Abba’s delight, Abba’s treasure.
Adoption for this child untoward
Chosen for His pleasure

I am wonderfully small in your presence Lord.
My sweet one, my child with flowing tear
With Me I lavish my reward
You have nothing to fear


Blessings! Have a wonderful week resting in HIS presence!

From our house to yours-Beth


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