There are a bunch of ladies that are my inspiration. But there’s one lady that has captured my attention since I became a Christ Follower. I nick named her Proverb Gal. (You can read about her in Proverbs 31: 10-31 or HERE). She may not have an official name, but she’s one well-rounded gal. She’s the farthest thing from a doormat you can get without being a pushy broad. Look at the verbs from the passage. The Energizer Bunny has nothing on her!
- Does
- Looks
- Works
- Brings
- Rises
- Gives
- Considers
- Buys
- Plants
- Girds
- Senses
- Stretches
- Grasps
- Extends
- Makes
- Makes (Apparently she does this twice)
- Supplies
- Smiles
- Opens
- Looks (She does this twice too!)
- Fears God
No wonder this chick is praised and is worth more than the price of a Tiffany Diamond.
Now mind you, King Lemuel is penning what his mama told him to look for in an excellent wife. And you and I know, mamas have some pretty high standards when it comes to our son’s choice for a wife.
But many of us want to shake our heads and say to him, “Oh dear, dear, dear, Lemuel, “Good luck finding a gal like that woman! She doesn’t exist, king boy! It’s time to get real…a real wife that is!”
In fact, I have read blogs, bemoaning these “unrealistic expectations”. I have even read blogs where the author dumps the dirt or short comings of her life and announces to cyber world, “I’m ok, so your ok.” Let’s go back to scrolling our news feeds! (Relax, nothing wrong with scrolling news feeds.)
Ladies, my mama never taught me to strive for “ok”,
and neither did God.
He included Proverb Gal in His Word for me and you.
So let’s take these verses to heart just like any other verses.
I’m grateful for a mirror that reveals an embarrassing piece of lettuce between my teeth! And I’m grateful that God’s Word (BME-Best Mirror EVER!) that shows me where I’m missing it and what His desire is for me.
And it looks like He wants me to become an effectual doer of His Word!
“For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror; for once he has looked at himself and gone away, he has immediately forgotten what kind of person he was. But one who looks intently at the perfect law, the law of liberty, and abides by it, not having become a forgetful hearer but an effectual doer, this man will be blessed in what he does.” James 1:23-25
Ahhh! Doer….verb…action.
Yes, go ahead and re-read Proverb Gal’s verbs again at the beginning of the post. Maybe read the list a little slower than you did the first time.
She’s an action-packed-well-rounded-gal. If SHE blogged, I would follow! Don’t you want to have coffee with her, and ask girl, really, how do you do it?
I think she would answer, “I plan and do sister, plan and do.”
Ohhhh, <lightbulb over my head slowly illuminating> like how I plan my kid’s education?
Now, we moms are AMAZING when it comes to putting together the best course of instruction for our kids! We pray. We research. We fill in our curriculum planner/printable…….. and color code them if we are the organizing sorts.
We make it happen. Like I said, “AMAZING!”
But when it comes to our personal growth, (I like to think I am entering the 54th grade this year. What grade are you going into dear friend?”) we kind of let it haphazardly happen.
Not this year.
This year you get your own set of printables designed just for us grown-up women.
Print it and and let’s “selah” together.
Say what? No, Se-lah, a beautiful hebrew verb that invites you and me to calmly pause and think about it.
Key word? calmly pause and think.
(That’s the kind of verb I CAN do!)
No piles of guilt…
No pressure to perform….
Not another entry on the “To-Do”, “Ought To” or “Should Of” list….
Just calmly pause and ponder about which listed growth areas excite you.
Do you like watching things grow? I do! Whatever it is: children, plants, my marriage, business, or ministry. Growth is exciting!
Each area is a key subject mentioned in the passages about Proverb Gal’s life.
PRINT: Well Rounded Gal (This is the first one)
Then Selah with me! (It sounds relaxing, doesn’t it?)
You, beautiful lady, are worth it! After all, we are diamonds in the making! Until next post….
From Our Home to Yours,
Over the next 7 weeks, follow, share, invite other beautiful ladies as we look at each area and go on a discovery dive into the depths of His love, His grace, and His truth for us women.