
Tea set

My neighbor Pam stopped me in my drive way. “Your kids and home just seem so different what is your secret?”

I smiled,dropped my head and  shook it in disbelief  because anyone who knows my kids knows they are truly kids with all the ups and downs of growing up, in various processes of learning new skills and stumbling in life and even faith. No different than me.

And if anyone knows my home, it would come under the heading of organized chaos with a touch of frequent tornadoes dotted with momentary lulls of tranquility that seem to allude my grasp like reaching for the gold at the end of a rainbow.

But nevertheless, By God’s grace Pam noticed something was different. Pam was a new mom trying to wrap her brain around what life at home as a mommy was all about. It was one of those world stopping, humbling moments where it says in 2 Timothy 4: 2;

“Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction.

 I prayed quietly, Lord, speak your words of hope to Pam. I began to share with her the grace of God that had been poured out in my life. In a world that praises individual achievements of success, Pam was caught off guard as I shared about all the women that God has brought into my life that have shared through word or example how to weave God’s love and grace into my home. A flood of memories came to mind as I shared about the different women that God had brought into my life. And as I shared all of this with Pam, I was also praising and thanking God for these women.

I thank God for Frances who taught me that the warmness of hospitality touches the soul.

I thank God for Pat who taught me the joy of providing good food for my family and how to use meal times to minister to my family.

I thank God for Emily who taught me how to routinely clean the baseboards in my home and why that needed to be done.

I thank God for Jane who taught me the joy of placing my husband only second to God.

I thank God for Nancy, a mother of seven who taught me how to shop for a large family.

I thank God for Maria who taught me not to sweat the little stuff.

I thank God for Martha who taught me how to speak to my children without yelling.

I thank God for my mother, who led me to Christ.

I thank God for Elizabeth who taught me how to value being a homemaker.

I thank God for Sharon who taught me how to pray for my family.

I thank God for Cheryl who taught me how to instill peace in my home.

I thank God for Jill who taught me to fill a drawer with measuring spoons and measuring cups to speed up the fixing a recipe so I did not have to keep washing my measuring equipment and to boldly share my faith.

I thank God for my Grandmother who taught me to allow a child to have quiet time.

I thank God for Theresa for teaching me how to set my priorities in my home.

I thank God for a Jane, CeeCee, Debbie, Joy and Celia who came along side me and encouraged me, prayed for me and held me accountable while God healed my broken heart. By their  loving example I began to learn how to walk with the brokenhearted.

I thank God for Betty who taught me that the strength of a woman is her intimate relationship with God.

I thank God for Sherry, who taught me how to teach my children God’s word in fun and creative ways.

And I thank God for the faces in my mind of the ladies who have taught me countless treasures by their example only.

I thank God for the long list of women that I did not name for I could fill up pages!

I thank God for the many women, who are yet to come into my life.

I am not my own, I am the result of God’s love and grace that He has poured into me through one of His greatest gifts to the world, His church body. How often I have neglected this treasure.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I shared this truth with Pam. Pam also had tears brimming as the light of God’s plan began to unfold. A home filled with love and grace is not the result of “secrets”. It is the result of a loving God, a willing woman and the Body of Christ willing to serve each other.

Thank you Lord for your awesome plan! Thank you to all the Godly women in my life!

From Our House to Yours,

Beth Mora

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