Love Your Spouse Challenge

Have you heard of the Love Your Spouse Challenge? It’s simple. 1.Post seven pictures (one a day for seven days) of you and your spouse and tell the world why you love your spouse. 2. Tag your married friends and encourage them to do the same. Why do the Love Your Spouse Challenge? I like […]

Mother, Daughter, and Tea Parties

 I cherish every Mother Daughter Tea Party my daughter and I share. She, my oldest daughter, is getting married next month. #toomanyemotionsforme These days before the wedding, my emotions roll like waves in the ocean. My emotions rise with the joy of this happy milestone and fall with letting my baby go. They crest with […]

Are you in Godly First Responder Training?

Are you in Godly First Responder Training? I am. What is a First Responder? Definition: Someone trained to respond to an emergency or problem. It always seems like some curveball comes sailing over the dreamy, only-in my-mind, white-picket fence of my life and disrupts my ideals or shatters my expectations. Many of my first […]